Alozaina natural route: Jorox Valley

Natural Route


The Alozaina natural route It is one of the routes most traveled by tourists in Malaga. On this route we find the Jorox Valley which is the most attractive in the area due to its location on this route. This valley, which has the joy of having a waterfall with crystal-clear waters, begins from the rural area located in Jorox.

To get to this valley it is essential to go to Alozaina, from there you must take the direction called A-366. When taking that route along the road called Yunquera, in just 5 km you will find Jorox. The most striking and impressive thing you will see when you arrive at that site will be its extensive river with clear waters. In addition to the view that will allow you to enjoy the greatest variety of landscapes in the entire area.


History of the Jorox Valley

He Jorox Valley It has a prehistoric record, today several findings related to archeology have been found in the caves of this place. We cannot speak of a specific date of founding of this place, but we can say that it dates back to the Paleolithic period.

In this valley, both caves and prehistoric tools for hunting and records of places that were inhabited at some point have been found. In Jorox, its ancient inhabitants planted crops and their fertile lands confirm this. There are even 9 mills that, although they do not currently operate at that time, were in charge of making flour for the inhabitants.


What can we do in the Jorox Valley?

When visiting this Alozaina natural route We can enjoy a wonderful view of the entire valley. Contact with nature is direct in this place and people can enjoy the pure and clean air that Jorox offers them. For photography lovers this place is very inspiring and you can take various shots of the walk.

Another activity that is usually done in this place is trekking. If you like to walk and feel the energy of nature in the depths of your being, this activity is ideal for you. This way you can explore the entire valley in greater depth and admire its flora and fauna.

He Jorox valley Although it does not have many inhabitants, those who reside there have been in charge of promoting tourism to that area. For this reason, many caves have been restored and converted into restaurants for tourists to enjoy. So you can visit a cozy cave and delight in delicious dishes while spending time with family or friends.

One of tourists' favorite activities is to visit the spring and spend time near the crystal-clear river. For those who believe there is a place called Ermita de la Veracruz that has also become a tourist attraction in the area.

What are the customs in this place?

In the Jorox Valley they have a custom that has been part of them for decades. On the first Saturday and Sunday of the month of May, people who live in Alozaina attend the Hermitage of Veracruz for a mass at noon. After mass they share with parties, dances, delicious meals and appoint stewards for the Holy Week season.



When can you visit this valley?

Any season of the year is good to visit this charming place. However, we can say that the hottest months to visit are July and August. On the other hand, the coldest months that correspond to the winter season are January and February, when there is usually constant rain. The rest of the months are quite cool and comfortable to explore the Jorox Valley.

Yes, there are very nice hotels, with excellent services and top quality attention. So if you want to visit this beautiful place, don't worry about your stay. Below we are going to mention 3 hotels close to the area and how many kilometers from the Jorox viewpoint each of them is located.

  • Posada Los Cantaros

This inn is 9.8 kilometers from the viewpoint, has a swimming pool and offers excellent service to tourists.

  • Rural House of the River

Just 2.2 kilometers from the viewpoint, this inn gives you a warm welcome to Jorox. It is very cozy and is attended by its owners who are very friendly and helpful.

  • Hostal Sango Sierra de las Nieves

If you are looking for an economical option close to the Mirador del Jorox, this is the ideal option for you, it is only 1.9 kilometers from the viewpoint.

There are several reasons to visit this authentic valley of Malaga. There are even inns there so you can stay for more than a day. However, if you want to get out of the routine and go on a one-day plan you can also do it and really enjoy it.

Why visit the Jorox Valley?

By visiting this valley you can relax and get away from the stress of everyday life by being in contact with nature. You can take walks with your family, friends or as a couple. Restaurants in caves will allow you to live an unusual experience. You can feel like you are traveling in time when you visit the caves and imagine how they lived in prehistoric times inside them.

There are group plans to do hiking routes in the Jorox Valley. This route lasts approximately 4 hours and has low difficulty so children can participate. Some guides accompany you along the way and tell you interesting facts about the route. For more information you can search on the Internet and you will find plans in this area of Malaga.

Visiting little-known tourist places in Spain is a better way to get to know the resources that this country has. Spain has a high tourist potential as it has beautiful natural places to enjoy. Visiting the Jorox Valley is a wonderful opportunity to delve into the heart of Spain.

Alozaina Nature Route: Jorox Valley

Nature Route


The Alozaina Nature Route It is one of the most popular routes for tourists in Malaga. On this route we find the Jorox Valley

which is the most attractive of the area due to its location on this route. This valley, which is blessed with a waterfall of crystalline waters, starts in the rural district of Jorox.

To reach this valley it is essential to go to Alozaina, from there you must take the A-366 road. If you take this route along the road called Yunquera you will find Jorox in just 5 km. The most striking and impressive thing you will see when you reach this place will be its extensive river with clear waters. In addition to the view that will allow you to enjoy the greatest variety of landscapes in the whole area.

History of the Jorox Valley

The Jorox Valley has a prehistoric record, today several archaeological finds have been found in the caves of this place. It is not possible to speak of a date as such for the foundation of this place, but it can be said that it dates back to the Palaeolithic period.

Caves have been found in this valley, as well as prehistoric hunting tools and records of places that were once inhabited. In Jorox its ancient inhabitants sowed crops and its fertile land confirms this. There are even 9 mills which, although they are no longer working, were used to make flour for the inhabitants.

What can we do in the Jorox Valley?

When visiting this nature trail in Alozaina we can enjoy a wonderful view over the whole valley. The contact with nature is direct in this place and people can enjoy the pure and clean air that Jorox offers. For photography lovers this place is very inspiring and they can take several shots of the walk.

Trekking is also a popular activity here. If you like to walk and feel the energy of nature in the deepest part of your being, this activity is ideal for you. This way you can walk through the whole valley in greater depth and admire its flora and fauna.

Although the Jorox valley does not have many inhabitants, those who live there have promoted tourism in the area. For this reason many caves have been restored and converted into restaurants for the enjoyment of tourists. So you can visit a cozy cave and enjoy delicious dishes while spending time with family or friends.

One of the favorite activities for tourists is to visit the spring and spend time near the crystal clear river. For those believers there is a place called Ermita de la Veracruz which has also become a tourist attraction in the area.

What are the customs here?

In the Jorox Valley they have a custom that has been part of them for decades. On the first Saturday and Sunday of the month of May the people who live in Alozaina go to the Ermita de Veracruz for a mass at midday. After the mass they share with parties, dances, delicious food and make an appointment of butlers for the Holy Week season.


When can you visit this valley?

Any time of the year is a good time to visit this charming place. However, the hottest months to visit are July and August. On the other hand, the coldest months corresponding to the winter season are January and February, when it rains constantly. The rest of the months are quite cool and comfortable for touring the Jorox Valley.

Yes, there are very nice hotels, with excellent services and first class attention. So if you want to visit this beautiful place don't worry about your stay. Below we are going to mention 3 hotels close to the area and how many kilometers from the Jorox viewpoint each one of them is located.

  • The Cantaros Inn

This inn is 9.8 kilometers from the lookout point, has a swimming pool and provides excellent service to tourists.

  • Rural House of the River

Only 2.2 kilometers from the lookout point, this inn gives you a warm welcome to Jorox. It is very cozy and is run by friendly and helpful owners.

  • Hostel Sango Sierra de las Nieves

If you are looking for an economical option close to the Mirador del Jorox this is the ideal option for you, it is only 1.9 kilometers from the viewpoint.

There are many reasons to visit this authentic valley of Malaga. There are even inns here so you can stay for more than a day. However, if you want to get out of the routine and go on a one day plan you can also do it and enjoy a lot.

Why visit the Jorox Valley?

By visiting this valley you can relax and get away from the stress of everyday life by being in contact with nature. You can go on walks with your family, friends or as a couple. The cave restaurants will allow you to experience something out of the ordinary. You can feel like you are traveling back in time as you visit the caves and imagine how people lived inside them in prehistoric times.

There are group plans for hiking routes in the Jorox Valley. This route lasts approximately 4 hours and is of low difficulty so that children can participate. Guides accompany you along the way and tell you interesting facts about the route. For more information you can search on the Internet and you will find plans in this area of Malaga.

Visiting little-known tourist attractions in Spain is a great way of getting to know the country's resources. Spain has a high tourist potential as it has beautiful natural places to enjoy. Visiting the Jorox Valley is a wonderful opportunity to get into the heart of Spain.

Alozaina Nature Route: Jorox-Tal

Natural Route


Yes, wo Sich die Erbroute von Alozaina befindet? This small town is one of the best. Nela wird mehrere Restaurants und Bars finden, in denen sie sich ausruhen kann. Warum nicht ein schönes Wochenende in diesem typischen Dorf genießen? Wenn Sie nach einem guten Ziel zum Bräunen suchen, richtigen Ort.


Die Naturroute Alozaina This is the best route for tourists in Malaga. Auf dieser Route finden wir das Jorox Valley , das aufgrund seiner Lage an dieser Route das attraktivste in der Gegend ist. Dieses Tal, das die Freude hat, einen Wasserfall mit kristallklarem Wasser zu haben, beginnt in der ländlichen Gegend von Jorox.

Um in dieses Tal zu gelangen, müssen Sie unbedingt nach Alozaina fahren, von dort aus müssen Sie die Richtung A-366 nehmen. Wenn Sie diese Route entlang der Straße namens Yunquera nehmen, finden Sie nach nur 5 km Jorox. Das Auffälligste und Beeindruckendste, was Sie sehen werden, wenn Sie an diesem Ort ankommen, ist sein ausgedehnter Fluss mit klarem Wasser. Neben der Aussicht, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, die größte Vielfalt an Landschaften in der gesamten Region zu genießen.

Geschichte des Jorox

You give Valley hat eine prähistorische Aufzeichnung, heute wurden in den Höhlen dieses Ortes mehrere Funde im Zusammenhang mit der Archäologie gefunden. Es ist nicht möglich, von einem Datum als solches für die Gründung dieses Ortes zu sprechen, aber es kann gesagt werden, dass es aus der Altsteinzeit stammt.

In these words, Höhlen als auch prähistorische Jagdutensilien und Aufzeichnungen über Orte gefunden, die einst bewohnt waren. In Jorox have seine alten Bewohner gesät und sein fruchtbares Land bestätigt es. Es gibt rope 9 Mühlen, die, obwohl sie zu dieser Zeit nicht in Betrieb waren, Mehl für die Einwohner herstellten.

Was können wir im Jorox Valley unternehmen?

Beim Besuch dieser natural Route von Alozaina können wir eine wunderbare Aussicht auf das gesamte Such genießen. Der Kontakt mit der Natur ist an diesem Ort direkt und die Menschen können die reine und saubere Luft genießen, die Jorox ihnen bietet. For Fotoliebhaber ist dieser Ort sehr inspirierend und sie können verschiedene Aufnahmen des Spaziergangs machen.

Eine weitere Aktivität, die normalerweise an diesem Ort durchgeführt wird, ist Trekking. Wenn Sie gerne wandern und die Energie der Natur in den Tiefen Ihres Seins spüren, ist diese Aktivität ideal für Sie. So können Sie das gesamte Such tiefer erkunden and seine Flora und Fauna bewundern.

you give Jorox-Tal nicht viele Einwohner hat, sind die Einwohner dafür verantwortlich, den Tourismus in dieser Gegend zu fördern. Aus diesem Grund wurden viele Höhlen restauriert and zum Vergnügen der Touristen in Restaurants umgewandelt. So können Sie eine gemütliche Höhle besuchen und köstliche Gerichte schlemmen, während Sie Zeit mit Familie oder Freunden verbringen.

Eine der beliebtesten Aktivitäten für Touristen ist es, quelle zu besuchen und Zeit in der Nähe des kristallklaren Flusses zu verbringen. For these Gläubigen gibt es einen Ort namens Ermita de la Veracruz, der auch zu einer Touristenattraktion in der Gegend geworden ist.

Welche Bräuche gibt es an diesem Ort?

In Jorox Valley there are several Brauchs, and their Jahrzehnten and Teil von ihnen ist. Am ersten Samstag und Sonntag des Monats Mai besuchen die Einwohner von Alozaina um 12.00 Uhr eine Messe in der Einsiedelei von Veracruz. Nach der Messe teilen sie sich mit Parties, Tänzen, köstlichen Mahlzeiten und vereinbaren einen Termin für Butlers für die Karwoche.


When can you visit this valley?

Any season of the year is good to visit this charming place. However, we can say that the hottest months to visit are July and August. On the other hand, the coldest months that correspond to the winter season are January and February, when there is usually constant rain. The rest of the months are quite cool and comfortable to explore the Jorox Valley.

Yes, there are very nice hotels, with excellent services and top quality attention. So if you want to visit this beautiful place, don't worry about your stay. Below we are going to mention 3 hotels close to the area and how many kilometers from the Jorox viewpoint each of them is located.

  • Posada Los Cantaros

This inn is 9.8 kilometers from the viewpoint, has a swimming pool and offers excellent service to tourists.

  • Rural House of the River

Just 2.2 kilometers from the viewpoint, this inn gives you a warm welcome to Jorox. It is very cozy and is attended by its owners who are very friendly and helpful.

  • Hostal Sango Sierra de las Nieves

If you are looking for an economical option close to the Mirador del Jorox, this is the ideal option for you, it is only 1.9 kilometers from the viewpoint.

There are several reasons to visit this authentic valley of Malaga. There are even inns there so you can stay for more than a day. However, if you want to get out of the routine and go on a one-day plan you can also do it and really enjoy it.

Why visit the Jorox Valley?

By visiting this valley you can relax and get away from the stress of everyday life by being in contact with nature. You can take walks with your family, friends or as a couple. Restaurants in caves will allow you to live an unusual experience. You can feel like you are traveling in time when you visit the caves and imagine how they lived in prehistoric times inside them.

There are group plans to do hiking routes in the Jorox Valley. This route lasts approximately 4 hours and has low difficulty so children can participate. Some guides accompany you along the way and tell you interesting facts about the route. For more information you can search on the Internet and you will find plans in this area of Malaga.

Visiting little-known tourist places in Spain is a better way to get to know the resources that this country has. Spain has a high tourist potential as it has beautiful natural places to enjoy. Visiting the Jorox Valley is a wonderful opportunity to delve into the heart of Spain.

Alozaina Nature Route: Vale Jorox

Natural Route


TO Alozaina natural rattan It is one of the most popular routes for tourists in Malaga. Nesta broken we find o Vale Jorox , which is the most attractive in the region due to its location in this broken area. This is worth the joy of having a pool of crystalline waters coming from the rural area located in Jorox.

To get this voucher it is essential to go to Alozaina, from this location you must take the address called A-366. To take this path along the road called Yunquera, in just 5 km you will find Jorox. The most striking and impressive thing is that you will see the local area being its extensive river of limpid waters. Furthermore, it has a view that will allow you to enjoy the greatest variety of landscapes in the entire area.

History of

EITHER OK This is a pre-historical record, showing several ashes related to archeology found in the caverns of this location. It is not possible to falsify any data specifically for the foundation of this site, but it can be stated that it dates back to the Paleolithic period.

Among the found caves and pre-historic hunting utensils and records of places that were once inhabited. In Jorox, its former inhabitants have shared their fertile or confirmed lands. There are still 9 hours that, despite not operating at this height, are responsible for making food for the inhabitants.

Or what can we do, isn't Jorox worth it?

Ao percorrar este natural path of Alozaina We can enjoy a wonderful view above all else. Contact nature directly at this location and people can enjoy the pure and clean air that Jorox offers. For photography lovers, this place is very inspiring and we can take several photographs of the walk.

Another activity that is usually done in this place is trekking. You enjoy walking and feeling the energy of nature no deeper than your being, this activity is ideal for you. This way you will be able to explore everything in greater depth and admire its flora and fauna.

either Vale do Jorox It does not have many inhabitants, those who reside there are in charge of promoting tourism in the area. For this reason, many caverns have been restored and transformed into restaurants to delight two tourists. So, you can visit a cozy cavern and delight yourself with delicious foods while spending time with family or friends.

One of the favorite activities of tourists is visiting the source and passing the time along the Cristalino River. For those who believe there is a place called Ermita de la Veracruz that also becomes a tourist attraction in the region.

What are the costumes in this place?

No Okay Jorox, this is a costume that has been part of them for decades. On the first Saturday and Sunday of May, the residents of Alozaina go to Ermida de Veracruz for a midday mass. After the mass we divide them with festivities, dances, delicious meals and marking celebrations for the Holy Week season.


When can you visit this valley?

Any season of the year is good to visit this charming place. However, we can say that the hottest months to visit are July and August. On the other hand, the coldest months that correspond to the winter season are January and February, when there is usually constant rain. The rest of the months are quite cool and comfortable to explore the Jorox Valley.

Yes, there are very nice hotels, with excellent services and top quality attention. So if you want to visit this beautiful place, don't worry about your stay. Below we are going to mention 3 hotels close to the area and how many kilometers from the Jorox viewpoint each of them is located.

  • Posada Los Cantaros

This inn is 9.8 kilometers from the viewpoint, has a swimming pool and offers excellent service to tourists.

  • Rural House of the River

Just 2.2 kilometers from the viewpoint, this inn gives you a warm welcome to Jorox. It is very cozy and is attended by its owners who are very friendly and helpful.

  • Hostal Sango Sierra de las Nieves

If you are looking for an economical option close to the Mirador del Jorox, this is the ideal option for you, it is only 1.9 kilometers from the viewpoint.

There are several reasons to visit this authentic valley of Malaga. There are even inns there so you can stay for more than a day. However, if you want to get out of the routine and go on a one-day plan you can also do it and really enjoy it.

Why visit the Jorox Valley?

By visiting this valley you can relax and get away from the stress of everyday life by being in contact with nature. You can take walks with your family, friends or as a couple. Restaurants in caves will allow you to live an unusual experience. You can feel like you are traveling in time when you visit the caves and imagine how they lived in prehistoric times inside them.

There are group plans to do hiking routes in the Jorox Valley. This route lasts approximately 4 hours and has low difficulty so children can participate. Some guides accompany you along the way and tell you interesting facts about the route. For more information you can search on the Internet and you will find plans in this area of Malaga.

Visiting little-known tourist places in Spain is a better way to get to know the resources that this country has. Spain has a high tourist potential as it has beautiful natural places to enjoy. Visiting the Jorox Valley is a wonderful opportunity to delve into the heart of Spain.
