What is the Alozaina heritage route?

Do you know where the Alozaina heritage route? This small town is one of the most visited. There you will find several restaurants and bars where you can rest. Why not enjoy a good weekend in this typical town? If you are looking for a good destination to enjoy, you came to the right place.



The Alozaina heritage route, unrepeatable beauties


The Alozaina heritage route It takes place over 3 days, which are: November 3, 4 and 5. It has workshops and creative spaces open to the public and has a map on the Municipal Culture Classroom which is next to the Tourist Office. This town is also known as “Little Castle” and is one of the more privileged by their natural environment.


Places you can visit

The “Little Castle” is located between the Serranía de Ronda and the Guadalhorce Valley. It is a small municipality in the northwest of the province of Malaga. And it has the following heritage routes:

   1.The Albar Fountain

We find one of the most privileged environments. The Fuente del Albar is located on Calzada Street, at the exit of the town's urban area. This source has supplied the area for decades. This is due to a medieval Arab construction that provides hydraulic infrastructure.

It has an aqueduct made of stone, linked to the town. In its origins it was made to supply water to the castle (currently the Parish Church of Santa Ana) and the Villa de Alozaina. It has a different appearance, since it was rebuilt in the middle of the 20th century.



This archaeological complex of extraordinary importance was excavated in the rock. It is made of stone, brick and lime and has been topped with a triangular pediment tip on which there is a cross. Its flow is very low. However, it has two pipes that are used to water the town's livestock.


2.Church of Saint Anne

If you are looking for something else to see in this small town, the Church of Santa Ana is a good option. The highlight of it is its mountain landscape, with its imposing octagonal tower. The parish church is located in the Sierra de las Nieves and was founded in 1489, from 1494 there are records of Santa Ana as the owner.

The temple dates back to the 18th century, and parts of the previous building were used to build it. The work was carried out by the master architect Felipe Pérez between 1770 and 1774. To this day it maintains its baroque style. One of the most notable festivals are the patron saint celebrations, which are celebrated on July 25 and 26. It also has multiple sacraments and associations.


It has restored fresco paintings dating from the 17th century. Its main entrance stands out for a main brick façade with inscriptions on tiles that remember the conquest of the population. It has a Latin cross plan with a small gallery on a lowered arch. In the cross arms there are two chapels that open two separate dressing rooms.

The building reveals an imposing silhouette on its exterior. Since it is made of masonry adorned with semicircular arches. This magnificent construction defies the inertia of the laws of gravity. It is seen perched on top of a rock, showing a harmonious fusion of the temple in its entire surroundings. Would you like to visit a flying church among clouds?

3.Municipal Laundry

In the Alozaina heritage route We also have the Municipal Laundry. It is located on Calzada Street, a street that goes down from the town to the bed of the Pesadilla River. It is next to the Albar fountain to supply it with water. It dates back to 1949 and was built to facilitate the town's residents' daily tasks in the nearby streams of the Albar.


It has 12 basins and was used until the 70s. Its appearance is the product of renovations carried out with careful polishing that beautifies and maintains the heritage of the site. Despite having undergone some modifications, it still retains all its ancient charm and beauty.

4.María Sagredo Park

The first time it was mentioned was in the Nasrid era and it is located at the foot of the Santa Ana Church. It was part of the medieval castle and was transformed in the 20th century into a viewpoint with an open plaza with gardens where events are held. Contemplate an endless and wide landscape, marking a good part of the Guadalhorce Valley and the beginning of the Sierra de las Nieves.


With the purpose of rebuilding the old fortress, it was built as a walled enclosure, with a stage, concrete bar, towers and battlements. Although it does not correspond to the original construction, it helps you imagine how the ancestors might have felt when walking along the walls.

5.María Sagredo Tower

The story goes that in the year 1570 a troop of 600 led men began a march with the intention of assaulting the town. With squads of 8 ranks they attacked 80 residents, who took their weapons and went up to the castle to defend it.

In the confrontation there were deaths and injuries, among those injured was María Sagredo's father. Which, upon seeing the situation, climbed to the top of a tower to bravely defend. When the assailants were at the foot of the tower, he defended the town by throwing bee hives into which the besiegers fled. That's where the name of said structure comes from.


This is the main vestige of the old castle and is a few meters from the Parish Church. It is integrated with the current homes of the town, protrudes from the walls and has a conical shape with large carved stone blocks.

The Alozaina heritage route It has great historical significance for the population. The structure of each of its historical buildings is inherited from a Muslim origin. With shiny facades, steep streets and hidden corners. Each of its sites with features from the medieval period are worth visiting and admiring.

What is the heritage route of Alozaina?

Heritage Route

Do you know where the heritage route of Alozaina?This small village is one of the most visited. You will find several restaurants and bars where you can relax, so why not enjoy a nice weekend in this typical village? If you are looking for a good destination to enjoy yourself, you've come to the right place.


The Alozaina heritage route, unrepeatable beauties

The heritage route of Alozaina takes place over 3 days: 3, 4 and 5 November. It has workshops and creative spaces open to the public and has a map in the Municipal Cultural Center which is next to the Tourist Office. This town is also known as the “Little Castle” and is one of the most important more privileged because of their natural environment.


Places to visit

The “Little Castle” is located between the Serranía de Ronda and the Guadalhorce Valley. It is a small municipality in the northwest of the province of Malaga. It has the following inheritance routes:

   1.The Albar Fountain

We find ourselves in one of the most privileged surroundings. The Fuente del Albar fountain is located in Calzada street, at the exit of the town center. This fountain has supplied the area for decades. This is due to an Arab construction from medieval times that provides a hydraulic infrastructure.

It has an aqueduct made of stone, linked to the village. Originally it was made to supply water to the castle (currently the Parish Church of Santa Ana) and the Villa de Alozaina. It has a different appearance, as it was rebuilt in the middle of the 20th century.


This extraordinarily important archaeological complex was excavated in the rock. It is made of stone, brick and lime and is topped with a triangular pediment with a cross on it. Its flow is very low. However, it has two spouts that are used to water the village's livestock.

2. Church of Santa Ana

If you are looking for something else to see in this small village, the Church of Santa Ana is a good option. The highlight of the church is its mountain scenery, with its imposing octagonal tower. The parish church is located in the Sierra de las Nieves and was founded in 1489, from 1494 there are records of Santa Ana as the patron saint.

The church dates back to the 18th century and parts of the previous building were used for its construction. The work was carried out by the master architect Felipe Pérez between 1770 and 1774. To this day it maintains its baroque style. One of the most important festivities is the patron saint's day, which is held on 25th and 26th July. It also has multiple sacraments and associations.


It has restored fresco paintings dating from the 17th century. Its main entrance is highlighted by a brick main façade with tile inscriptions recalling the conquest of the town. It has a Latin cross plan with a small tribune over a lowered arch. In the crossing arms are two chapels that open onto two dressing rooms.

The building has an imposing silhouette on the outside. It is made of masonry decorated with semicircular arches. This magnificent construction defies the inertia of the laws of gravity. It is perched on the top of a rocky outcrop, showing a harmonious fusion of the temple with its surroundings.Would you like to visit a flying church in the clouds?

3.Municipal Laundry

On the heritage route of Alozaina We also have the Municipal Washing Place. It is located in Calle de la Calzada, a street that goes down from the village to the bed of the River Pesadilla. It is next to the Albar fountain to supply it with water. It dates back to 1949 and was built to help the villagers with their daily chores in the nearby streams of the Albar.


It has 12 basins and was used until the 1970s. Its appearance is the result of careful polishing and renovations that embellish and maintain the heritage of the site. Despite having undergone some modifications, it still retains all its ancient charm and beauty.

4.Maria Sagredo Park

It was first mentioned in the Nasrid period and is situated at the foot of the Santa Ana Church. It formed part of the medieval castle and was transformed in the 20th century into a lookout point with an open square and gardens where events are held. It overlooks an endless and wide landscape, pointing out a good part of the Guadalhorce Valley and the beginning of the Sierra de las Nieves.


With the purpose of reconstructing the old fortress, it was built as a walled enclosure, with a stage, concrete bar, towers and battlements. Although it does not correspond to the original construction, it helps you imagine how the ancestors might have felt when walking along the ramparts.

5.María Sagredo Tower

The story goes that in the year 1570 a troop of 600 men under the command of a leader set out on a march with the intention of attacking the town. With squadrons of eight ranks they attacked 80 villagers, who took up arms and climbed up to the castle to defend it.

In the confrontation there were dead and wounded, among the wounded was the father of María Sagredo. When she saw the situation, she bravely climbed to the top of a tower to defend the castle. When the assailants were at the foot of the tower, she defended the town by throwing hives of bees at the besiegers, who fled. This is the origin of the name of this structure.


This is the main vestige of the old castle and is just a few meters from the parish church. It is integrated with the current dwellings in the town, juts out from the walls and has a conical shape with large blocks of carved stone.

The heritage route of Alozaina has great historical significance for the population. The structure of each of its historic buildings is inherited from a Muslim origin. With gleaming facades, sloping streets and hidden corners. Each of its sites with medieval features are worth visiting and admiring.

Was ist die Route des Kulturerbes von Alozaina?

Wissen Sie, wo die Kulturerberoute von Alozaina? This small town is one of the best. Darin finden Sie mehrere Restaurants und Bars, in denen Sie sich ausruhen können. Warum nicht ein schönes Wochenende in dieser typischen Stadt verbringen? Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem guten Ziel zum Genießen sind, sind Sie bei uns genau richtig.


Die Kulturerberoute von Alozaina, unwiederholbare Schönheiten

Die Kulturerberoute von Alozaina findet an 3 Tagen statt: 3., 4. und 5. November. Es verfügt über Werkstätten und Kreativräume, die für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich sind, und verfügt über eine Karte in der Städtischen Kulturhalle , this does not require the Fremdenverkehrsamt befindet. This Population is also the “Little Castle” bekannt and ist eine der privilegiertesten für ihre natürliche Umgebung.



The “Kleine Schloss” lies in the Serranía de Ronda and Guadalhorce-Tal. It is a small Gemeinde in the North West of the Province of Malaga. Und es hat die folgenden historischen Routen:

   1.The Albar Fountain

Wir befinden uns in einer der privilegiertesten Umgebungen. La Fuente del Albar can be found in der Calle Calzada, in the Ausgang des Stadtgebiets. This is the version of the Gebiet seit Jahrzehnten. This is the arabische Konstruktion aus dem Mittelalter zurückzuführen, die eine hydraulische Infrastruktur bereitstellt.

Es hat ein Aquädukt aus Stein, das mit der Stadt verbunden ist. Ursprünglich tooth is the Wasserversorgung des Schlosses (heute Pfarrkirche Santa Ana) and the Villa de Alozaina. Es hat ein anderes Aussehen, da es Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts wieder aufgebaut wurde.


Dieser äußerst wichtige archäologische Komplex wurde in den Felsen gegraben. Sie besteht aus Stein, Ziegeln und Kalk und wurde mit einer dreieckigen Giebelspitze gekrönt, auf der sich ein Kreuz befindet. Sein Durchfluss ist sehr gering. Es hat jedoch zwei Ausgüsse, die verwendet werden, um das Vieh der Stadt zu tränken.

  1. St. Anne's Church

Wenn Sie in dieser kleinen Stadt etwas anderes sehen möchten, ist die Kirche Santa Ana eine Gute Option. Das Highlight ist seine Berglandschaft mit seinem imposanten achteckigen Turm. Die Pfarrkirche liegt in the Sierra de las Nieves und wurde 1489 gegründet, ab 1494 ist Santa Ana als Besitzer urkundlich nachweisbar.

Der Tempel stammt aus dem 18. Jahrhundert und Teile des Vorgängerbaus wurden für seinen Bau verwendet. Die Arbeiten wurden zwischen 1770 und 1774 vom Meisterarchitekten Felipe Pérez ausgeführt. Bis heute behält is seinen barocken Stil bei. Eines der herausragendsten Feste sind die Schutzheiligen, die am 25. und 26. Juli gefeiert werden. Es hat auch mehrere Sakramente und Assoziationen.


Restaurierte Fresken aus dem 17. Jahrhundert. Sein Haupteingang zeichnet sich durch eine Hauptfassade aus Backstein mit Inschriften auf Fliesen aus, die an die Eroberung der Bevölkerung erinnern. Es hat einen lateinischen Kreuzplan mit einer kleinen Tribüne auf einem abgesenkten Bogen. In den Kreuzarmen befinden sich zwei Kapellen, die zwei separate Umkleidekabinen öffnen.

Von zeigt das Gebäude eine imposante Silhouette. Da es aus Mauerwerk besteht, das mit Halbkreisbögen geschmückt ist. This large construction has been removed from the Trägheit der Gesetze der Schwerkraft. Es thront auf einem Felsen und zeigt eine harmonische Verschmelzung des Tempels mit seiner gesamten Umgebung. Möchten Sie eine fliegende Kirche in den Wolken besuchen?

3. Städtische Wäscherei

Auf der Kulturerberoute von Alozaina gibt es auch die Städtische Wäscherei. Es befindet sich in der Calzada Street, einer Straße, die von der Stadt zum Bett des Nightmare River führt. Es befindet sich neben dem Albar-Brunnen, um ihn mit Wasser zu versorgen. Es stammt aus dem Jahr 1949 und wurde gebaut, um den Bewohnern der Stadt tägliche Aufgaben in den nahe gelegenen Flüssen des Albar zu ermöglichen.


Es hat 12 Becken und wurde bis in die 70er Jahre genutzt.Sein Aussehen ist das Ergebnis von Reformen, die mit sorgfältigem Polieren durchgeführt wurden, um das Erbe des Ortes zu verschönern und zu erhalten. Trotz einiger Umbauten behält es seinen alten Charme und seine Schönheit.

4.Park María Sagredo

Er wurde erstmals in der Zeit der Nasriden erwähnt und befindet sich am Fuße der Kirche Santa Ana, war Teil der mittelalterlichen Burg und wurde im 20. Jahrhundert in einen Aussichtspunkt mit einem offenen Platz umgewandelt mit Gärten, in denen Veranstaltungen stattfinden. Es betrachtet eine endlose und weite Landschaft, die auf einen large Teil des Guadalhorce-Tals und den Beginn der Sierra de las Nieves hinweist.


Um die alte Festung wieder aufzubauen, wurde sie als ummauerte Umfriedung mit Bühne, Betonbalken, Türmen und Zinnen errichtet. Sie entspricht zwar nicht der ursprünglichen Bauweise, hilft aber, sich vorzustellen, wie sich die Vorfahren gefühlt haben, als sie auf den Mauern gelaufen sind.

5.María Sagredo Tower

Die Geschichte besagt, dass im Jahr 1570 eine Truppe von 600 Mann einen Marsch anführte, um die Stadt zu überfallen. With Trupps von 8 Reihen griffen sie 80 Einwohner an, die ihre Waffen nahmen und zum Schloss hinaufgingen, um es zu verteidigen.

Bei der Konfrontation gab es Tote und Verwundete, darunter auch der Vater von María Sagredo. Als er die Situation sah, kletterte er auf einen Turm, um sich tapfer zu verteidigen. Als die Angreifer am Fuß des Turms waren, verteidigte er die Stadt, indem er Bienenstöcke warf, in die die Belagerer flohen. Von dort kommt der Name dieser Struktur.


Dies ist das wichtigste Überbleibsel der alten Burg und liegt nur wenige Meter von der Pfarrkirche entfernt. Es ist in die heutigen Häuser der Stadt integraliert, ragt aus den Mauern heraus und hat eine konische Form mit großen Steinblöcken.

Die Kulturerberoute Alozaina hat für die Bevölkerung eine große historische Bedeutung. Die Struktur jedes seiner historischen Gebäude ist von einem muslimischen Ursprung geerbt. With glänzenden Fassaden, steilen Gassen und versteckten Winkeln. Jede ihrer Stätten mit Merkmalen aus dem Mittelalter ist einen Besuch und eine Bewunderung wert.

Is the Alozaina heritage route?

know where patrimonial rota da Alozaina? This small city is one of the most visited. Nela will find several restaurants and bars where she can rest. Why not enjoy some weekend fun in this typical village? If you are looking for a good destination to tan, I saw a certain place


A Rota do Património Alozaina, unrepeatable beauties

TO Rota do Património Alozaina It runs for 3 days, being the dates: November 3, 4 and 5. The offices and creative spaces open to the public and a map do not Pavilhão Municipal da Cultura which is located next to the Tourism Post. This population is also known as “Castelozinho” and is one of the most privileged hair in its natural setting.


Places you can visit

The “Castelozinho” is located between the Serranía de Ronda and Vale de Guadalhorce. It is a small municipality in the northwest of the province of Malaga. It includes the following patrimonial losses:

   1.The Albar Fountain

We found two most privileged environments. The Fuente del Albar is located on Calle Calzada, at the exit of the urban area of the city. This source has supplied the area for decades. This is due to an Arab construction from the medieval period that provides a hydraulic infrastructure.

Possui a aqueduto in stone, linked to the city. It was originally intended to supply water to the castle (current Parish Church of Santa Ana) and to Villa de Alozaina. It has a different appearance, because it was reconstructed in the middle of the 20th century.


This archaeological complex of extreme importance was excavated in the rock. It was made of stone, tijolo and cal and was surmounted by a triangular pontoon front on which there is a cross. Its flow is very low. No entanto, tem duas bicas que servem para ao drinkar ao gado da vila.

2.Church of Saint Anne

If you are looking for something more to see this small city, the Igreja de Santa Ana is one good option. The highlight is its mountainous landscape, with its imposing octagonal tower. The parish church is located in the Sierra de las Nieves and was founded in 1489, since 1494 there have been records of Santa Ana as owner.

The temple dates back to the 18th century and parts of the previous building were used to build it. The work was executed by master architect Felipe Pérez between 1770 and 1774. The rest maintained its baroque style. One of the most notable festivities is the two holy padroeiros, which are celebrated on July 25 and 26. It also includes various sacraments and associations.


Restored frescoes dating from the 17th century. Its main entrance stands out for a main façade of tijolo with inscriptions in tiles that reminds us of the conquest of the population. It has a Latin cross plan with a small tribune in a lowered arch. Our arms crossed there are two chapels that open two separate dressing rooms.

The building reveals an imposing silhouette on its exterior. Once it was made of alvenaria decorated with semicircular arches. This magnificent construction defies the inertia of the laws of gravity. It is seen covered in a lot of red, showing a harmonious fusion of the temple in all its surroundings. Would you like to visit a new church?

3.Municipal Laundry

na patrimonial rota da Alozaina We also have the Municipal Laundry. It is located on Calzada Street, a street that descends from the city along the Nightmare River. Located next to the Albar chafariz to supply water. Dating back to 1949, it was built to provide the city's residents with daily chores in the surrounding areas of Albar.


It has 12 basins and was used back in the 70s. Its appearance is the result of renovations carried out with careful polimentos that embellish and preserve the heritage of the premises. Despite some modifications, it still maintains all its ancient charm and beauty.

4.María Sagredo Park

The first time it was mentioned it was in the Nasrid era and it is located next to the Igreja de Santa Ana. It is part of the medieval castle and was transformed in the 20th century into a viewpoint with an open square with gardens where events were held. Contemplate an infinite and wide landscape, highlighting part of the Guadalhorce valley and the beginning of the Sierra de las Nieves.


With a view to the reconstruction of the ancient fortress, it was built as a walled enclosure, with a box, a bar, towers and ameias. Embora does not correspond to the original construction, it helps to imagine how the ancestors would feel walking on the walls.

5.María Sagredo Reza Tower

The story began in 1570 with a troop of 600 men leading a march with the intention of assaulting the city. With squads of 8 echelons they will attack 80 inhabitants, who will stick their weapons and climb the castle to defend it.

I do not confront houve dead and injured, among the injured there was the pai of María Sagredo. What a time to see the situation climb to the top of a tower to defend yourself bravely. When the assailants were at the bottom of the tower, the city was defended by playing bee fields so that the sigiants fled. Give me a look at the aforementioned structure.


The main vestige of the old castle is located a few meters from the Parish Church. It integrates with the current villa house, stands out from the walls and has a conical shape with large blocks of carved stone.

TO patrimonial rota da Alozaina They have great historical significance for the population. The structure of each of its historic buildings is inherited from Muslim origins. With shiny facades, beautiful streets and hidden corners. It is worth visiting and admiring each of its localities with characteristics of the medieval period.